Sunday, September 14, 2014

Why I'm Interested in this Topic?

Good day people and how has your week been. Mine has been stressed out with lots of work and assignments due all at the same time. Now I’m glad I’m finally getting there. This week I will be discussing about why I chose to write this blog. I have always wanted to start a blog about travel and exploration of cultures and events but always lacked the zeal or push to jump-start it. This university unit has open the door or I’d say giving me the motivation to write, especially writing about what I love to do.

I chose this topic about travel and exploring cultures because it is one of my hobbies. I had dreamed of travelling to a far country and meeting new people and interacting. In addition, travelling excites me: the feeling of take-off and landing in an airplane adds to my whole experience of it. Watching movies and eating onboard far above 30,000 feet is a joy to experience. Furthermore the expectation builds as you imaging what the final destination will be like, the people you meet and talk to, the different weather and climate at your destination are some of my reasons that interests me in travelling.

I can remember my first trip with my brother from Lagos to Anguilla, a Caribbean Island. That singular trip ignited my joy of wanting to travel more. I cannot say in particular that I didn’t feel afraid of flight and all but after a while, you get used to it. I noticed that the Caribbean was very homely and had a laid back attitude. There is always either one party there or another or one major carnival coming up. In the Caribbean’s, the main stay of the economy is tourism, with people from North America and as far as the UK visiting for their holydays, honey moons, or marriage ceremony, as the case may be. 
Another reason for choosing this topic is that I believe I will do well in it when explaining about the various aspects of travel, it being my hobby.

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